Monday, October 3
a toothbrush eulogy
I threw out my toothbrush- I KNOW you’re supposed to replace them every three months- but THIS was my travel toothbrush (I use an electric at home). It’s semi-unhealthy to develop a relationship with an inanimate object but sometimes I can’t help it. I could tell it was time for him to go when he started to shed his green rubber skin whenever I brushed. This fact didn’t stop me from getting a little emotional when I tossed him (gently) into the garbage can. I thought of all the good times we’ve had together. This same toothbrush traveled to Stratford with me on my many visits, (he was a local: purchased at the Stratford Zerhs last September) he traveled with my across the Atlantic on my trip to Europe this spring, and helped me to brush away the stale taste of alcohol and spent drugs on many Sunday mornings. He will be missed.