Wednesday, September 14

a quick review and... something else

I didn't post yesterday because I was out too late --- but SCREW the naysayers that tell me I will lose interest in keeping this Blog up to date... I will commit, right here and now, to at LEAST three more posts!

"Bubble" Is Fucking Brilliant!

Okay- so I went to a screening of Steven Soderbergh's “Bubble” yesterday morning. It was far better than I could have hoped for. This film is a large departure from his more recent works (Oceans 11, Solaris). "Bubble" falls in nicely with “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” and “Schizopolis”. The story is set in poor middle America (lot's of Walmart's, McDonald's etc.) and really does an excellent job of transporting the audience into that world. It was shot on high end digital cameras and projected digitally at the festival. From the looks of the projection I saw I'm convinced that film (as a medium to produce motion pictures) is pretty much at an end. The images were jaw dropping. The entire cast was comprised of only locals (people that actually lived in the town). Soderbergh has proved to me that he can draw a performance out of ANYBODY that's just as good as a BRAD or a JULIA. This is the best thing I've seen at the T.I.F.F. thus far.


Five things you didn't know about me...

1 } I am now formally recognized in the state of New Mexico as a licensed and practicing werewolf.

2 } Since my conversion to Scientology this summer, I have attained total enlightenment. I can control the matter that makes up the human mind, and have Tom Cruise and Beck on speed dial.

3 } My bowel control has dropped to the point I have to wear two pairs of Depends extra- protection undergarments at the same time.

4 } I had no knowledge that the Dungeons and Dragons game that I've been hosting meetings for in the basement is actually an Al-Quaeda sleeper cell.

5 } Despite reports in "O" Magazine stating the contrary, I have withdrawn my non-celebrity endorsement deal with Applebee's restaurants, and am now using my non-celebrity status to peddle Orange Julius and their new Strawberry Sensation fruit drink!

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