Monday, September 12

it's no "braindead" but...'

Only ONE Of 3423
Ways To Kill An Alien... On A Farm!
# 1435 : Weed Wacker To The Face!

First movie at the Toronto International Film Festival
this morning. I'm sure this one is much better suited for the "Midnight Madness" program the T.I.F.F. has running but, damnit, I can't get back to Oakville that late! Anyway-the film is called “Jake West's : Evil Aliens”. I enjoyed it over all. The director was even kind enough to come in for a Q&A after the show (which doesn't happen at many public screenings). How to describe the movie.... It had all sorts of splattering of fluids (puss, shit, cum, and blood---lots of blood) It opened with an “ass drilling” sequence that I won't forget anytime soon. The picture and locations were beautiful (shot HD), that fact often seemed to conflict with the gore running down the screen. It seemed like this film was attempting to mimic some of Peter Jackson's or Sam Raimi's early work (shaky cam and all!). The only problem was it didn't have many of the interesting qualities of the characters in those films. The only performances that really stood out for me were the three actors playing the brutal and sadistic (yet strangely endearing) Welsh farmers. The rest of the cast seemed like a bunch of day player / stereotypes waiting to have their arms, heads, legs spines etc. etc. ripped off/out. The Jerry Springer homage that closes out the film also got a lot of laughs. Jake West introduced the film by saying he wanted the final poster to read “ Jake West's: Evil Aliens... three drink minimum”. In retrospect... that might have helped my enjoyment immensely.

Tomorrow it's Soderbergh's “Bubble” at 9:45 AM... they'd better be serving breakfast!

# 1673 : Run Them Over With Your Brand New Combine!

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