Sunday, September 30

Shabam's Ditch List

My housemates have started a list on our chalkboard of all the events I've backed out of, or "ditched", them on.

-Western Fair
-Barking Frog

Have I recently let you down in some way? Please feel free to add to the ever growing list. I'll even go write it on the chalkboard for you.

Saturday, September 29

What Happened To JTT?

Really-Where did he go?

It seemed his career was at its pinnacle

and then all of a sudden -BAM!-

He vanished

Maybe he developed


Now Brent Carver-there's an actor for you!
(p.s. Mr. Carver kindly requests you forget all about the Lord of The Rings Musical)

Friday, September 28

Resurrection; Not Just For Jesus Anymore

30 blog post in sequence-That is my goal. Some may have value ... most will cause you to weep in silent rage. Hold onto your wigs and keys - this might get ugly.

I love the Power Glove. It's so bad.

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